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Welcome to the Searchbase API documentation. Here, you will find all the information needed to integrate our powerful search functionalities into your applications. Our API supports a wide range of search capabilities, including full-text and semantic searches, to provide flexible and efficient search experiences.

This documentation is intended for developers looking to integrate Searchbase's search capabilities into their applications and covers everything from authentication to making complex search queries.


When setting up your Searchbase account, you'll be asked to provide authentication specifications for your database, whether it's PostgreSQL or Firebase. These credentials are critical to ensure secure communication between Searchbase and your database, allowing for seamless search functionality within your application.

PostgreSQL Credentials

To securely access your PostgreSQL database, you'll need to create authentication credentials that grant limited, read-only access. This ensures that the Searchbase integration can query your data without risking unauthorized modifications.

Steps to Create Read-Only Credentials in PostgreSQL

  1. Log into your PostgreSQL server: Use a PostgreSQL client or terminal. If you're using psql, you can connect with psql -U username dbname.

  2. Create a read-only role: Execute the SQL command to create a new role. Replace readonly_user with your desired username.

   CREATE ROLE readonly_user WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'your_strong_password';
  1. Grant usage on your schema: Usually, the schema is public, but replace your_schema if you're using a different one.
   GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA your_schema TO readonly_user;
  1. Grant select permission: This allows the read-only user to perform select queries.
   GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA your_schema TO readonly_user;
  1. Set default privileges: Ensure that future tables are also accessible to the read-only user.

Steps to Test Read-Only Account

After creating your read-only user, you can test it with this one-liner in your PostgreSQL client:

psql 'dbname=your_database_name user=readonly_user password=your_strong_password host=your_database_host' -c 'SELECT * FROM your_table LIMIT 1;'

Replace your_database_name, readonly_user, your_strong_password, your_database_host, and your_table with your actual database name, read-only username, password, host, and a table name, respectively.

Generating Connection String

Now you can compile your connection string like with this template:


Input this connection string on Searchbase when prompted under the Postgres connection string field.

Using the Credentials

When integrating with Searchbase, ensure your application or service uses the readonly_user credentials. This provides Searchbase with the necessary permissions to perform search queries without the ability to alter the database.

Firebase Credentials

For Firebase, creating a read-only access involves setting up a new role with restricted permissions in your Firebase project and generating a private key associated with that role.

Creating a Role with Read-Only Access

To set up Firebase, navigate to, access IAM & Admin from the left sidebar, and follow these steps:

  1. Click on Roles.

  2. Select Create Role.

  3. Name the role "FirestoreReadAccess".

  4. Add the following permissions to the role:

- datastore.databases.get - datastore.databases.getMetadata - datastore.databases.list - datastore.entities.get - datastore.entities.list - datastore.indexes.get - datastore.indexes.list - datastore.namespaces.get - datastore.namespaces.list - datastore.statistics.get - datastore.statistics.list

Creating a Service Account

Then, create a service account with this role:

  1. Go to Service Accounts in the sidebar.
  2. Click on Create new service account.
  3. Assign the "FirestoreReadAccess" role to this account.

Downloading the Service Account Key

After creating the service account:

  1. Navigate to the service account you created.
  2. Click on Keys.
  3. Choose Add Key, then Create new key.
  4. Select JSON as the key type, which will prompt the download of the key file.

Use this downloaded JSON key file to authenticate your Firebase instance with Searchbase by uploading it when prompted for Firebase credentials.

After these steps, you'll be able to download a JSON file with your service account's credentials. Use these credentials in Searchbase by uploading the JSON file when prompted for Firebase credentials.

Using the Credentials

In your application integration with Searchbase, use the service account JSON file to authenticate with Firebase. This setup ensures that Searchbase queries your Firebase database using the read-only permissions, safeguarding your data integrity.

By following these steps, you create secure, read-only access credentials for both PostgreSQL and Firebase, allowing safe integration with the Searchbase API.


Obtaining Your API Token

Before you can start using the Searchbase API, you need to obtain an API token. This token is necessary for all your API requests to be authenticated and authorized.

Steps to Obtain an API Token

  1. Sign up for a developer account
  2. Once logged in, navigate to the API section.
  3. Generate a new API token from the dashboard.

Keep your API token secure and ensure it is not exposed publicly in your applications.

Using the API Token

curl "" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "x-searchbase-token: YourAPITokenHere" \
  -d '{...}'

To authenticate your API requests, include your API token in the request headers as follows:

Replace YourAPITokenHere with your actual API token.

Search Endpoint

The /search endpoint is the primary way to perform searches within your indexed data. This section covers the endpoint's usage, including request structure, available filters, and response handling.

Making a Search Request

const fetch = require('node-fetch');

const query = {
  index: 'products',
  filters: [
    { field: 'category', op: 'EQUAL', value: 'electronics' },
    { field: 'price', op: 'GTE', value: 100 }
  select: ['name', 'price', 'description'],
  limit: 10

const headers = {
  'Content-Type': 'application/json',
  'x-searchbase-token': 'YourAPITokenHere'

fetch('', {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: headers,
  body: JSON.stringify({ query: query })
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => console.log(data))
.catch(error => console.error('Error:', error));

HTTP Request


Request Headers

Request Body Structure

The body of a search request includes the following parameters:

Filter Object

Each filter object within the filters array can have the following properties:

Response Structure

  "results": [
      "id": "1",
      "name": "Smartphone",
      "price": 299,
      "description": "Latest model with high-resolution camera"
  "total": 150,
  "limit": 10,
  "offset": 0

A successful search request returns a JSON object containing the following keys: